Wednesday 26 December 2018

Excerpt from HOLY HANDS, Chapter 1...

"Jesus prayed three times - each time saying the same thing - in the garden of Gethsemane. He was preparing to face the greatest ordeal of His life. After praying for the third time, He was ready for the Father's will to be done (Matthew 26:46). The apostle Paul prayed three times concerning his "thorn in the flesh" until he came to the point where he accepted the Lord's will (2 Corinthians 12:8). God's response shifted his focus from seeing the situation as a problem to discerning the Lord's strength perfected in his weakness. Sometimes, it takes praying repeatedly to get us to the point where we can receive and accept God's answer."

Sunday 23 December 2018


Jesus said these profound words to His disciples: "NOW YE ARE CLEAN through the word which I have spoken unto you" (John 15:3).

These words kind of hit me this morning as I was driving on my way to church. "NOW...THROUGH THE WORD which I have spoken..." It's like this: He speaks the word; we get clean. Isn't that amazing? The disciples could interact with the Lord, secure in the knowledge that they were clean in His presence, ONLY BECAUSE HE SAID SO. Christ's words cleanses and liberates us from condemnation to "serve the living God."

Everyday we need a wash. Our environment, negative thoughts, words, attitudes, and behaviors all cause contamination of soul and/or spirit. Things we see and hear on a daily basis - sometimes unavoidably - makes us spiritually unkempt and in need of a washing. Only the Lord can wash us. And He is ready and willing to do it. 

Do not walk in condemnation. Even the prophet Isaiah confessed he was a man "of unclean lips." Let us come before the Lord and surrender ourselves to His washing. The apostle wrote that the Lord "sanctifies and cleanses the church with the washing of water by the word." That He might present it to himself a GLORIOUS [sparkling] church! Wow. Thank You, Jesus. That's wonderful news.

Monday 2 January 2017

A Healing..

I sat in the church pew almost gritting my teeth, trying to ignore the discomfort I felt. A searing pain in my right shoulder made it difficult for me to pay attention to all that was happening in the service. I had had that pain before but tonight it was bad. My friend Pauline sat next to me, unaware of my distress.

The pastor began to address the congregation and at one point said, "Anyone who was in the service this morning should be able to lay hands on the sick and they receive healing."

I turned to my friend sitting next to me."Were you in the service this morning?" I asked. I knew very well that she was in the morning service as we had both attended together.

She turned and looked at me, "Yes."

"Please put your hand on my shoulder and pray," I said, "It hurts."

She placed a hand on my shoulder and prayed quietly. I had no idea what she said, but, by the time she removed her hand from my shoulder there was NO MORE PAIN. I had suffered for quite some time with that joint pain but since that day only once did I feel it trying to return. At that time the Lord allowed me to stand in a position of FAITH and declare that I was healed already. I have had no further trouble with it.

I wrote this testimony to help someone to keep on believing. God wants to heal you. Ask, and then stay in a position of faith and look at Him - He has the answer.

Matthew 7:9; "Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?"

Stay blessed. I love you.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Like a river...

It's invaluable, irreplaceable, precious. There is no substitute for it. And only One can give it.

"Great peace have they that love Thy law; and nothing shall offend them" (Psalm 119:165).

The king who wrote these words was familiar with the stressful demands of life in high-level leadership, yet obviously found a place of rest in the midst of all the turbulence. The secret was, HE KNEW WHERE TO FIND PEACE. It was not in a pill nor a mantra. It was not even in his security forces. It was in God.

Jesus offered us peace with His arrival on earth: The message of the angels rang clear, "Peace on earth, goodwill to men." We all need it. And He knew we would. So, to His followers He said: "My peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you...let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

As it gets closer to the anniversary of my mother's home-going, I find myself reflecting on the incredible peace the Lord gave us during that time. No stress, no arguments, no undue grief. He gave us peace like a river - quiet and enduring. I will always remember the morning of the home-going service: As I stirred awake, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Sweet peace, the gift of God's love."

Yes, it is a gift. And He longs to give it to all of us. We can all come to Him in repentance and faith to get it. What are you waiting for?

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Girl Stuff

"So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: For he is thy Lord; and worship thou him."
Psalm 45:11

A woman was asked to write her desire for her inner spiritual life and this is what she wrote; I thought I might share it.

I think that my desire for my inner spiritual life is expressed in the prophetic song of
Psalm chapter 45.  In my meditation of this particular passage, the Lord has spoken to my
heart many times of His will for me.   

As represented by this princess in the text, He wants me to be wholly His—forsaking all others if need be--and to be presented to Him solely for His purpose.  His desire is my heart’s desire, that He alone will occupy that special place in me, and that I will truly know Him as my Love and my King and will live for His glory.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Profile of A Worshipper

I imagine her walking into the room, eyes searching, until they came to rest on Jesus. She walked over, knelt down, and opened a box of perfume. Oblivious to everyone watching, she poured out the most precious thing she had - on His feet. Then, reverently, she kissed His feet.

Mary epitomizes the true worshiper. Her person, possessions, reputation - nothing mattered except the One whom she loved above all else.

Four things characterize a worshiper:

  1. Focus. Her attention was riveted on Jesus. She worshiped Him like there was no one else in the room. Whole-hearted devotion always captures the heart of God.
  2. Humility. Mary positioned herself at the feet of Jesus - the posture of humility.
  3. Motivation. Devotion and gratitude was the reason for Mary's astounding worship. The Lord notices when we offer praise to Him for all He's done for us.
  4. Selflessness. This was not about the worshiper. It was about the One who is worthy of all glory. Mary gave to Jesus without looking for anything in return.
Jesus will respond when we approach Him in the spirit of true worship - and give our all in love.

Monday 21 October 2013

Kingdom Trees


“It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches” (NRSV).

Where I grew up in rural Jamaica, trees were like old friends. Fruit trees of all kinds grew in my backyard. My friends and I knew every nook and cranny in them as we would often climb up and sit in their branches. 

One tree we never tried to climb, though. It was the Methuselah of trees. The big almond tree stood about 200 feet from the house and had towered over everything for as long as anyone could remember. Its trunk was so big that five or six of us held hands to circle it. We kids would play house under its wide branches anytime we got a chance.

Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like a huge tree in which kinds of birds make a home. (Luke 13:19)  This is a picture of how the kingdom receives people of all cultures and backgrounds. The arms of our heavenly Father are open to all who are willing to come to Him.  

And when all earthly kingdoms are dissolved, He will welcome us into His everlasting kingdom. Heaven will be our home. The Bible speaks of people celebrating in heaven “from every tribe, and language, and people, and nation.” (Revelation 5:9) And the tree will still be there. “…On each side of the river grew the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine and to heal the nations. (Revelation 22:3)

© Phillippa Brown